Shad Comeaux and Alexis Garcia presented a final report on the Old Seabrook Livable Centers Study to a joint meeting of the City Council, the Seabrook Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors, and the Seabrook Planning & Zoning Commission. The study is completed and after acceptance from the EDC and the...
News & Reports
Stake Holder Advisory Update
On Tuesday, September 28, 2021 the Stake Holder Advisory received the attached presentation from the Old Seabrook Livable Center Study Team. DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
Visit us at Market Days
Jenuine Treasures Boutique, located at 902 Hardesty Ave. in Old Seabrook, will be hosting their monthly Market Days on Saturday, October 2nd. Stop by between 9am to 2pm to shop local craft vendors and get an update from the Old Seabrook Livable Center Study!
Public Input Meeting
On Tuesday, April 13 the Old Seabrook District Livable Center Study Team held a virtual public meeting to gain input from the public on the Livable Center Study. The meeting allowed the team to gain insight on how often people visit the Old Seabrook District and what type of development...
Stakeholder’s Advisory Committee Meeting
On Tuesday, January 26 the Old Seabrook Livable Center Study Team met with the Stakeholder's Advisory Committee. The primary role of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) is to provide input to assist the planning team in the preparation of the Livable Center Study relevant to: Providing knowledge of the study...
Report to Seabrook City Council
On Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Shad Comeaux, the Seabrook Livable Center Study Project Manager with Freese and Nichols, gave a detailed presentation to Seabrook City Council. Project expectations were discussed with Council in addition with a review of the project’s schedule and discussion on how public input with be generated...
Kick-Off Meeting
The Livable Center Study team which includes City of Seabrook staff, representatives from H-GAC and several representatives from Freese and Nichols held the Livable Center Study Kick-off Meeting on Wednesday, November 18, 2020. The meeting agenda discussed introduced key contacts for the planning team, gave an overview of the project,...