Shad Comeaux and Alexis Garcia presented a final report on the Old Seabrook Livable Centers Study to a joint meeting of the City Council, the Seabrook Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors, and the Seabrook Planning & Zoning Commission. The study is completed and after acceptance from the EDC and the City Council, implementation of the study’s recommendations can begin, pending budget and procurement requirement finalizations.
Council unanimously approved Resolution 2021-22 to adopt the Old Town Seabrook District – Main Street Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Livable Center Study, which focuses on the 2035 Comprehensive Master Plan and other planning efforts to evaluate market realities and make recommendations to improve connectivity, encourage economic development and enhance quality of life in the Old Seabrook District. The Board of Directors of the Seabrook Economic Development Corporation voted to adopt the Study during the earlier joint meeting.